Free, pluralist media is one of the foundations of democracy. They are responsible for distributing information, that is essential for the functioning of political systems around the world. Moreover, media messages significantly expand interpersonal communication, which helps in understanding the reality around us, establishing relationships and creating specific communities. Due to the fact that citizens are active participants in social life, their view also have an significant impact on the shape of public opinion. However, in order for a society to form its own opinions about the surrounding world, it must have access to information about it. Journalists are responsible for the implementation of this task, who should also inform about illegal and behind-the-scenes activities of the government or various types of organizations. The article presents political scandals taking place in Poland and around the world, which saw the light of day thanks to the intense work of journalists. The article also presents the role of investigative journalism in democratic countries, and the relationship between media system and political system.
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