A role of South Korean popular music artists in promoting ideas on environmental protection
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environmental protection
The Republic of Korea
participatory culture
fan activism

How to Cite

Ludek, W. (2023). A role of South Korean popular music artists in promoting ideas on environmental protection. Refleksje. Pismo Naukowe studentów I doktorantów WNPiD UAM, (25), 105–117. https://doi.org/10.14746/r.2023.1.8


The aim of the following brief is to introduce the role of South Korean popular music in process of spreading ideas referring to climate change as well as to the necessity of taking action which strive to their minimization. In order to achieve it, ways in which k-pop accelerates changes in behaviour within enthusiasts of this particular genre, have been described in the article, in reference to concepts such as participatory culture. Furthermore, substantial significance of fan activism in the process of education and promoting pro-ecological attitude has been highlighted. In addition, this article reviews in depth, which of the vocalists’ actions contribute to changes, having regard to their activity in both public and private sector.

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