Understanding Korean Webtoon culture: Transmedia storytelling, snack culture, and the globalization process
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South Korea
comic book

How to Cite

Wolna, W. (2023). Understanding Korean Webtoon culture: Transmedia storytelling, snack culture, and the globalization process. Refleksje. Pismo Naukowe studentów I doktorantów WNPiD UAM, (25), 119–134. https://doi.org/10.14746/r.2023.1.9


It is worth noting that some dimensions of culture emerging in South Korea in recent
years are becoming increasingly popular on a global scale. This article presents the
global success of webtoons, Korean webcomics, as tools of soft power, indicating
a state’s ability to influence others through the attractiveness of its culture. In this
context, culture is understood as one of the resources of soft power, or soft power
– which can play specific roles in a state’s foreign policy and, in particular, positively
contribute to increasing the influence of such a country. Strengthening soft power
through the promotion of popular culture can bring such benefits. South Korea successfully
promotes its pop culture globally, generating interest from representatives of other countries. The aim of this article is to describe how Korean digital comics, webtoons, have developed over the years and analyze how webtoons have become a source for transmedia storytelling. It discusses how snack culture has contributed to the development of webtoons, transforming them into Korean TV series or films. Korean webcomics have become popular worldwide due to their accessibility to readers, diverse genres, and engaging plots. New forms of communication, advancements in transportation, and technology have revolutionized global markets and significantly increased trade, as falling costs enable smaller states and multinational corporations to engage in inexpensive and efficient exchange of goods and information (Nye, 1990, pp. 161–162).

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