RzeczPiSpolita POlska. Geografia wyborcza Platformy Obywatelskiej oraz Prawa i Sprawiedliwości w latach 2005-2010
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How to Cite

Skobrtal, M. (2018). RzeczPiSpolita POlska. Geografia wyborcza Platformy Obywatelskiej oraz Prawa i Sprawiedliwości w latach 2005-2010. Refleksje. Pismo Naukowe studentów I doktorantów WNPiD UAM, (3), 61–79. https://doi.org/10.14746/r.2011.3.01


The competition between Civic Platform (PO) and Law and Justice (PiS) in recent 5 years has led to the reflection about the territorial aspect of these divisions. Particulary interesting is the distribution of votes. A few tendentions like presence of historical divisions can be observed. The aim of this paper is to analyse these divisions and the main factors of their occurance.

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