Germany’s Stance on the EU Treaty Reform in the Years 2005–2009


Constitutional Treaty
European Union
European Council
Council of the European Union
German Government
Berlin Declaration of 25 March 2007
Intergovernmental Conference
Treaty of Lisbon of 13 December 2007
Federal Constitutional Court in Germany

How to Cite

Węc, J. J. (2019). Germany’s Stance on the EU Treaty Reform in the Years 2005–2009. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (12), 41–71.


The research objective of the article is the reconstruction of Germany’s influence on the system reform of the European Union in the Treaty of Lisbon (December 13, 2007). The author formulates a research hypothesis that the Treaty of Lisbon has strengthened Germany’s position in the European Union. Instead of connecting Germany with the Union even more, veto restrictions on the Member States and the radical strengthening of the community method in the EU provided by the treaty formed possible grounds for their domination in the EU.


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