Chinese Belt and Road Initiative – the perspective of the Federal Republic of Germany


Belt and Road Initiative
New Silk Road

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Ciesielska-Klikowska, J. (2019). Chinese Belt and Road Initiative – the perspective of the Federal Republic of Germany. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (12), 95–111.


The People’s Republic of China has achieved the position of one of the major players in the international arena and is boldly pursuing the policy of foreign expansion. Its basic instrument is the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which in recent years has been one of the most important projects of the Chinese authorities, assuming the intensification of economic cooperation and cultural exchange of countries along the New Silk Road. Germany, the EU leading state and China’s crucial partner in Europe, is a strong supporter of the Belt and Road Initiative. However, as the concept of BRI involves the member states of the European Union, it also requires a strong reaction from the Community. And although the EU’s relations with the PRC are in the economic interest of all its member states, they have not been without complications in recent years. The paper examines the importance of societal preferences and attitudes of the Federal Republic of Germany towards the Belt and Road Initiative since 2013 by using the liberal explana- tory approach. The aim of the paper is to analyse the German response to the Silk Road project in two distinct phases: the first one (2013-2016) and the second phase (2016-). Moreover the article will try to identify the problems that exist in relations between the European Union and China, with particular emphasis on the relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Federal Republic of Germany. A short theoretical conclusion as well as political recommendations conclude the analysis.


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