Cooperation at the Institutional and Bilateral Level of the European Union and Central Asia


European Union
Central Asia

How to Cite

Pazdej, M. (2019). Cooperation at the Institutional and Bilateral Level of the European Union and Central Asia. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (12), 267–279.


This article analyzes the scope of cooperation at the institutional and bilateral level of the European Union and Central Asia. Despite the systematic tightening of cooperation between Brussels and the republics of the former USSR, there is still a lack of unambiguous definition of real long-term interests of the European Union in the region. The fundamental problem of cooperation development is a strong fragmentation of EU activities in five different republics of Central Asia. Therefore, there is a need to improve the exchange of information, increase control and coordination, as well as limit the thematic scope of undertaken initiatives. There are potential diversification opportunities for energy sources that exist in the Central Asia region.


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