Religious Representation in Russia-EU Relations: “Traditional Values” Problem


religion in Russia
Russian Orthodox Church
Russian politics
traditional values

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Zhuravlev, D. (2019). Religious Representation in Russia-EU Relations: “Traditional Values” Problem. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (12), 295–309.


The author analyzes how the concept of “traditional values” is used in the political discourse of the Russian authorities. Since the third term of Vladimir Putin, there has been a noticeable neo-conservative turn in Russian politics, expressed both in the strengthening of the influence of religion and in the tightening of legislation. An active role in this is played by the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church, which openly supports the current regime and strengthens its own influence on public life, regardless of the absence of direct religious demands of Russian society. The concept of “traditional values” is thus politically motivated, interpreted as an opposition to liberal values (an example is the homophobic policy of the Russian authorities) and is aimed at contrasting Russian values with Western ones. The author describes how this discourse is aimed, principally, at consolidating the conservative electorate within the country and spreading Russian influence on “conservatives” from other countries. This reflects the need to search for effective ways to counter populist rhetoric.


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