The factor of the “Arab Spring” in relations between the European Union and Algeria
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relations between the European Union and Algeria
Arab Spring
the Hirak movement
sustaining development
democratization changes

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Stachurska-Szczesiak, K. (2021). The factor of the “Arab Spring” in relations between the European Union and Algeria. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (15), 107–123.


On the 10th anniversary of the mass protests known as the “Arab Spring” that passed through the southern Mediterranean countries, understanding of the world becomes more complex. For the European Union (EU), the revolts in its neighbors came as a “strategic surprise” and destroyed its prevision assumptions about the region, forcing it to revise them and react quickly. For Arab Societies, they were an expression of “awakening”, breaking the feeling of fear and rebellion against the ruling authoritarian regimes, as well as an attempt to reject the neoliberal way of “arranging the world”. Algeria occupies a strategic place on the map of bilateral relations that the EU maintains with the countries affected by the “Arab Spring”. The geographic proximity, historical past and the potential of this country make the EU present in Algeria “anew”, supporting it in the difficult path of political and economic transformations.

The aim of this article is to analyze the impact of the “Arab Spring” on the shape of contemporary EU-Algeria relations, paying attention to the framework set by the “Common Partnership Priorities”, focusing on the three key sectors of cooperation established for 2018–2020.
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