The aim of the article was to show that the EU’s anti-racism policy changed in the years 2000–2020, and then to present what these changes consisted of and what their nature was. The research material consisted of 62 documents of the main EU institutions: the Commission, the Council, and the European Parliament. The obtained research results show that the main changes consisted in a more nuanced approach to the fight against racism: noticing different groups affected by racism, different ways of experiencing racism, new types of racism (expressive, environmental), new sources (politicians and political parties, artificial intelligence). Among the changes to the proposed measures, one should mention the greater emphasis on measures ensuring substantive equality. It should also be noted that the protection of victims of racism has been strengthened. In addition, there has been an increase in the number of units within the European Commission responsible for combating racism, as well as an increase in the number of external structures that strengthen the capabilities of the European Commission in the field of legal analysis and policies. With regard to the manner of conducting anti-racist policy, the importance of the so-called a new governance. The observed changes were not radical but occurred gradually. They were linear, i.e. they did not signify a break with the past. They consisted in shifting the accents and adding another element, not replacing them. Accordingly, the development of the EU’s anti-racist policy can be characterized as a series of activities that do not compete with each other, but complement each other in order to achieve a predetermined goal.
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