Regressive concept of the European Union. The case of political discourse conducted by Law and Justice party
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Regresive concept
European Union
Law and Justice

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Ruszkowski, J. (2022). Regressive concept of the European Union. The case of political discourse conducted by Law and Justice party. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (16), 21–45.


The aim of the analysis is, on the one hand, to reconstruct the difussed features, assumptions and thoughts concerning both the present state of the European Union and its future shape and place of Poland in this organization, characterizing the discourse conducted by PIS, and on the other hand, an attempt to support these features and assumptions with specific terms, designates and markers that are not only a component of this discourse, but also create a certain more or less logical set of statements defining the European Union and the process of European integration, which were used by prominent representatives of this political party.

The leading theoretical paradigm of explanation is poststructuralism, which in such a research problem gives the possibility of using the method of discourse analysis, which is an operationalized system of marking political practice and the real political environment, because articulation constitutes the subject of research, and not only signifies and explains it.
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