The raw materials policy of the European Union for rare earth elements


rare earth elements
raw materials policy
raw materials security
European Union

How to Cite

Kamprowski, R. (2022). The raw materials policy of the European Union for rare earth elements. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (16), 243–250.


This article deals with one of the dimensions of the European Union’s raw materials policy, including rare earth elements (REE). The core and overarching goal of the raw materials policy implemented by a given entity is to ensure security in terms of raw materials. Taking into account the current geopolitical situation and the ongoing war in Ukraine, the main part of discussion regarding raw materials security focuses on issues related to the supply of energy sources, including gas or coal. Rare earth elements, however, remain on the side-lines of these considerations. Rare earth elements are the foundation of modern technological development in many areas and fields. Due to their role, they have been the object of political rivalry between the People’s Republic of China and the United States of America for at least twenty years. The question of the place and role of the European Union in this system remains open. The research intention of the considerations in this article is to indicate the role of REEs in the raw materials policy implemented by the European Union. The research shows that, despite the relatively late involvement of the European Union in the identification of key REEs and the development of their supply chain, a clear professionalisation of EU practices has been observed for several years. It is also indicated that among the most important challenges for the European Union’s raw materials policy are factors such as excessive dependence of the supply chain on the People’s Republic of China and difficulties in obtaining REEs within the territory of European Union member states.


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