Equality policy of the European Union. Implications for women’s safety and rights
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equality policy
European Union
women’s rights
women’s safety

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Raba-Schulze, A. (2022). Equality policy of the European Union. Implications for women’s safety and rights. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (16), 337–347. https://doi.org/10.14746/rie.2022.16.20


Gender equality remains a major goal of the EU, which prioritizes equality in the economic area, in the area of countering gender-based violence, and in the equal participation of women and men in political life and decision-making structures. Gender equality is a principle closely related to the observance and respect of women’s rights and an important element shaping women’s security. The article presents key documents on EU equality policy and its impact on women’s security. The author of the article adopted institutional-legal analysis as a research method, which was used to analyze the documents on the European Union equality policy, reflecting the assumptions of the policy.

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