The principle of equality and non-discrimination in EU sources of law, and the situation of women in Afghanistan


European Union
women’s right
humanitarian aid

How to Cite

Andruszkiewicz, I., & Strzemkowska, N. (2023). The principle of equality and non-discrimination in EU sources of law, and the situation of women in Afghanistan. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, (17), 295–310.


In this article, an analysis has been conducted of the European Union’s (EU) actions in the context of women’s rights, with a particular focus on the situation in Afghanistan. Following the overthrow of the Taliban regime in 2001, the EU actively engaged with Afghanistan, prioritizing the delivery of humanitarian aid, supporting development processes, democratization, and the promotion of human rights. Over the years, the European Union played a significant role as the main financial donor to Afghanistan concerning women’s and girls’ rights, investing in areas such as education, healthcare, politics, and the economy. The article provides a detailed analysis of the programs and decisions undertaken by the EU to support women in Afghanistan. Additionally, it is based on a long-term perspective, looking at women’s rights in the context of changing political situation, taking into account the role of the European Union in this process.


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