The Internet as the New Backyard: Developmental Consequences of the Smartphone Lifestyle [Internet jako nowe podwórko: konsekwencje rozwojowe smartfonowego stylu życia]
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backyard play
smartphone lifestyle

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Błajet , P. (2023). The Internet as the New Backyard: Developmental Consequences of the Smartphone Lifestyle [Internet jako nowe podwórko: konsekwencje rozwojowe smartfonowego stylu życia]. Studia Edukacyjne, (70), 111–118.


This article discusses the threats related to the excessive use of smartphones, which have replaced backyard games for children in the past, as well as its consequences for the development of the young generation. Robert Kegan’s concept of development is used as an analytical tool to diagnose such threats. The text indicates the following developmental risks: a reduced sense of inner control, underdeveloped reflexivity, and reduced physical activity.
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