„Nie należy do mężczyzny, by wtrącał się do jadła”. Rzecz o ucztowaniu i tabu pokarmowym w średniowiecznej Islandii
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food taboo
horse meat
medieval Iceland
Icelandic sagas


Jakubczyk, R. (2018). „Nie należy do mężczyzny, by wtrącał się do jadła”. Rzecz o ucztowaniu i tabu pokarmowym w średniowiecznej Islandii. Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, (18), 193–210. https://doi.org/10.14746/seg.2018.18.12


In this paper, I discuss various kinds of feasts in Old Norse-Icelandic literature, such as wedding, funeral, or sacrificial feasts. I discuss feasting, an important part of the culture of medieval Iceland, much more in terms of its functions (political, social, religious) than in terms of its culinary aspect. In addition, I consider how religious traditions impacted Old Icelandic food culture and how food taboo related to horse-meat consumption (declared just after the conversion of Iceland to Christianity in 1000 CE) affected social interaction.


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