Cilicia and the Roman Empire: reflections on Provincia Cilicia and its romanisation
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Provincia Cilicia
Roman empire
client kings


Borgia, E. (2017). Cilicia and the Roman Empire: reflections on Provincia Cilicia and its romanisation. Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, 16(16), 295–318.


This paper aims at the study of the Roman province of Cilicia, whose formation process was quite long (from the 1st century BC to 72 AD) and complicated by various events. Firstly, it will focus on a more precise determination of the geographic limits of the region, which are not clear and quite ambiguous in the ancient sources. Secondly, the author will thoroughly analyze the formation of the province itself and its progressive Romanization. Finally, political organization of Cilicia within the Roman empire in its different forms throughout time will be taken into account.
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