Author Guidelines
Editorial specifications:
In view of the publishing line and the interdisciplinary character, Studia Europaea Gnesnensia is a venue for publication of scientific papers and reviews.
Papers and reviews written in WORD application are to be sent to e-mail address
Apart from Polish, both papers as well as reviews may also be written in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian.
Text of a paper, not exceeding 20 pages (1.5 interline) should include: a short abstract (2-3 sentences stating the purpose of the article, indicating the essence of the research issue and the method of its exposition); keywords (several most important words which are characteristic for the paper) and a summary (presenting, in the possibly most condensed form, the principal theses of the article and the most important conclusions).
Abstracts, keywords, and summaries of papers written in Polish will be published in English; abstracts and keywords of papers written in the remaining five languages will be published in English, while their summaries will appear in Polish.
Font: 12 pts Times New Roman.
Margins: 2.5 cm.
Paper title: Times New Roman 14 pts (bold).
Internal titles: Times New Roman 12 pts (bold).
Author: Name, surname and city (in parentheses) in the upper left corner above the title.
In the text, the so called italics is to be used to distinguish foreign words, such as par exellence, in extenso or specific notions. Specific words are not to be spaced out, nor should they be underlined.
If titles of other publications are quoted in the text, they are to be written in ordinary font and enclosed in quotation marks.
Quotations within the text are to be written in ordinary font (Times New Roman 12 pts) and enclosed in quotation marks.
If there is a necessity to employ quotation marks within quotation marks, the symbols «…» are to be used.
When article features illustrations, these need to be sent separately and in the best possible quality, resolution 300 dpi and width of 150 mm, or in .tiff format. Please indicate source of the images (executed by author, link, other printed source, etc.).
Sources and publications used are to be indicated in footnotes only (do not provide bibliography at the end of the paper), according to the rules detailed below.
Footnotes at the bottom of a page are to be used exclusively (Times New Roman; footnote text – 10 pts, 1.0 interline; 1.5 line spacing between successive footnotes; numbering – Arabic numerals).
Quotations included in the footnotes are to be written in ordinary font (Times New Roman 10 pts.) and enclosed in quotation marks.
Do not provide publisher’s name in the bibliographic description.
Examples of bibliographic description in footnotes:
- books and monographs:
Initial(s) of first name(s), last name, title in normal font, place of publication, year of publication, page(s).
- joint publication, edited by:
Initial(s) of first name(s), last name (ed.), title in normal font, place of publication, year of publication, page(s).
- article in a joint publication:
Initial(s) of first name(s), last name, title in normal font, [in:] Initial(s) of first name(s), last name, title in normal font, place of publication, year of publication., pages.
- article in a periodical:
Initial(s) of first name(s), last name, title in normal font, name of periodical in full and without quotation marks, in normal font with a numeral indicating volume, issue, year of publication, pages. Example:
Balcanica Posnaniensia 3, 1984, s. 295.
If a volume includes individual parts, for example issues, a following notation is then used:
Kwartalnik Historyczny 100, 4, 1993, p. 167.
Note: do not use any additional notations, such as t., vol., z., nr, no., etc.
If a footnote originates from the same source and the same page as the previous one, use: Ibidem (normal font).
If a footnote originates from the same source, but from a different page than the previous footnote, use: Ibidem (normal font), page(s).
If the same source is referred to again, use: initial(s) of first name(s), last name, title of the work or its abbreviated notation (to be consistently used afterwards), in normal font, page(s) or initial(s) of first name(s), last name, op. cit. (normal font), page(s). Note: Do not combine the two methods but select one and use it consistently throughout the entire text.
A review, written in 12 pts. Times New Roman font should not exceed 10 pages (1.5 interline).
Review should bear an original title and complete details of book reviewed (author’s first and last names, title in normal font, publisher’s name, place of publication, year of publication, number of pages (e.g. pp. 295).
Text of a review should comply with the same rules which apply with regard to papers.
If a review contains references to other publications, they should be indicated in the footnotes, following identical rules as in the case of paper footnotes.
The review should be submitted with a scanned image of the reviewed book's cover.