Recenzja książki: Erika Manders, Coining Images of Power. Patterns in the Representation of Roman Emperors on Imperial Coinage A.D. 193––284, Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden–Boston–Tokyo 2012 [=Impact of Empire, 15], 363 s.Bibliografia
Manders E., Coining Images of Power. Patterns in the Representation of Roman Emperors on Imperial Coinage A.D. 193– 284, Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden–Boston–Tokyo 2012 [=Impact of Empire, 15], 363 s.
Norena C.F., Imperial Ideals in the Roman West: Representation, Circulation, Power, Cambridge Mass. 2011.
Norena C.F., The Communications of the Emperor’s Virtues, JRS 91, 2001, s. 146–168.