The article describes a failed attempt to attribute financial crime – embezzlement of the money belonging to the Greater Poland Headquarters of the Local Council of the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association – to scoutmaster Jan Poplewski. However, from the very beginning, the security services were interested in his anti-systemic activity, i.e. inspiring illegal activities among young scouts in the Stalinist period. This story serves as an example for exploring the underresearched problem of attributing various crimes to the opponents of the system, in order to discredit them and use this fact for propaganda purposes. The scale of this problem is impossible to estimate at present, but sometimes it is possible to describe individual cases – for example the case of scoutmaster Jan Poplewski.
The Archive of the Institute of National remembrance in Poznań (AIPN Poznań).
AIPN Poznań, Criminal case files of Jan Poplewski and others, Military District Court (WSR) Poznań, sign. Sr 389/50, file sign. IPN Po 75/3086.
AIPN Poznań, Investigative case files sign. 9070/III of Jan Poplewski and others, file sign. IPN Po 04/1479.
AIPN Poznań, report no. 132, “C” bureau of Regional Headquarters of Citizens’ Militia (KWMO) in Poznań, the “Bi-Pi” illegal youth organization. Buk, Nowy Tomyśl county, report of retired captain of Citizens’ Militia K. Nowacki, 1977, file sign: IPN Po 05/280.
AIPN Poznań, Object investigation, The Polish Scouting and Guiding Association, Regional Security Office (WUBP) in Poznań, sign. 435/IV, files sign. IPN Po 003/428.
AIPN Poznań, Investigative files of Dorszyk Florian, Melcer Eugeniusz, file sign. IPN Po 04/1473, vol. 1-2.
Fludra Z. (2000), Harcmistrz Jan Poplewski w życiu prywatnym [Scoutmaster Jan Poplewski in private life], Poznań.
Instrukcja (tymczasowa) [o] pozyskaniu, pracy i ewidencji agenturalno-informacyjnej sieci z dn. 13 lutego 1945 r. [Temporary instruction on acquisition, performance and registration of a network of informants and agents of February 13, 1945] [in:] Rudzikowski T. (2004) “Instrukcje operacyjne aparatu bezpieczeństwa (1945-1989): Materiały pomocnicze Biura Edukacji Publicznej IPN” [Operational instructions of the security services 1945-1989: Supplementary materials of the Public Education Bureau of the Institute of National Remembrance”], Warsaw.
Kuświk B. (2011), “Obozy pod specjalnym nadzorem...”. Ochrona operacyjna obozów harcerskich na przykładzie województwa poznańskiego w latach 1946-1949 [Camps under surveillance. Operational surveillance of scouting camps based on Poznań region in the years 1946-1949] [in:] Kościk E. “Społeczny wymiar turystyki” [Social dimension of tourism], Wrocław.
Nowicki T. (1996), Znałem śp. Druha harcmistrza Jana Poplewskiego [I knew scoutmaster Jan Poplewski], Poznań.
Pietrzykowski M. (1999), Wspomnienia o śp. Druhu harcmistrzu Janie Poplewskim „Jasiu” (z lat 1945-1950) [Memories of scoutmaster Jan Poplewski – “Jaś” (from the years 1945-1950)], Poznań.
Rzepecki K. (1919), Powstanie grudniowe w Wielkopolsce 27. 12. 1918 [December uprising in Greater Poland, 27.12.1918], Poznań.
Zaćmiński A. (2008), Przestępstwa polityczne w orzecznictwie Komisji Specjalnej do Walki z Nadużyciami i Szkodnictwem Gospodarczym 1950-1954 [Political crimes in the jurisdiction of the Special Commission on Fighting with Fraud and Economic Abuse], “Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość”, 1(12), p. 321-343.
The account of Józef Derda given in Poznań on September 16, 2010.
The account of Henryk Golimowski given in Poznań, September 9, 2010.
The account of Maria Andrysiak given in Poznań, March 27, 2006.
The account of Karol Kalkowski given in Poznań, March 6, 2009.
Blimel Helena, Blimel Henryk, Powojenna Konspiracja Harcerstwa Polskiego. 1945-1956, cz. I., wiązka IX – Konspiracyjny zastęp harcerski „Bi – Pi” w Buku. [Post-war Polish scouting conspiracy 1945-1956, part 1, beam 9 – conspiracy scouting team ‘Bi-Pi” in Buk]. The archive of the Greater Poland ZHP Local Council Historical Commission.
Copyright (c) 2021 Bartosz Kuświk

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