A Bibliography of publications in economic and social history printed in Poland in 1994-1995


economic history
Polish economic history

How to Cite

Kowal, E. (2001). A Bibliography of publications in economic and social history printed in Poland in 1994-1995. Studia Historiae Oeconomicae, 24(1), 187–214. https://doi.org/10.14746/sho.2001.24.1.014

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With the supplements for the years 1992-93.

I. Bibliography 191
II. Methodology, theory and history of economic thought 192
III. Sources and source studies 193
IV. General publications 196
V. Demography 198
VI. Social structure and mobility 200
VII. Labour, social movements and trade unions 204
VIII. Social and economic relations in rural communities 204
IX. Towns and urbanization processes 205
X. Industry, mining, handicraft and architecture 208
XI. Transport and communication 210
XII. Maritime economy, aquatic economy 210
XIII. Trade 211
XIV. Credit, finance, money and prices 212
XV. Insurance and social welfare 213
XVI. Consumption 214
