Aim and Scope
Scripta Neophilologica Posnaniensia is a neophilological journal that publishes articles in the following disciplines: linguistics, literature and cultural studies. Occasionally, a section called 'Miscellanea' devoted to other matters is published.
The mission of the journal is to support inter-faculty, inter-university and international neophilological dialogue. The journal accepts scientific texts in all national/ethnic languages.
Review process
1. The editor-in-chief and the editorial team make a preliminary selection of texts submitted for publication, taking into account the formal requirements of the journal Scripta Neophilologica Posnaniensia, the scientific quality of the material and the thematic scope and aims of the journal.
2. Before selecting reviewers, the article is checked with an anti-plagiarism program.
3. The editors select the reviewers. Two reviewers are appointed to evaluate each text, who are experts in the field to which the subject of the article relates.
4. Reviews are prepared in accordance with the double-blind review model, the so-called 'double-blind peer review', which means that the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers and the reviewers do not know whose texts they are reviewing. Reviewers are obliged to inform the editors about the existence of a potential conflict of interest.
5. The secretary of the journal, before sending the text for a review, is responsible for removing from it elements enabling identification of the author, i.e. the author's name, affiliation, e-mail address, acknowledgments, sources of funding, if they allow their identification, etc. The editorial secretary also coordinates the process of signing the required agreements and declarations, ensuring compliance with ethical principles.
6. The review form containing the criteria for evaluating the article is public, available on the journal's website in two language versions: Polish and English.
7. The names of the reviewers of individual articles are not disclosed.
8. Each review is in writing and ends with an unambiguous opinion regarding the publication of the article or its rejection. In the case of one positive and one negative review, the editorial team decides whether the text submitted for publication should be subjected to a third, conclusive review, or whether the text should be rejected.
9. The secretary informs the authors about the result of the evaluation of the texts submitted for publication and the schedule of further activities aimed at publishing the volume of the journal. The author has 1 to 2 weeks to proofread the text in accordance with the reviewers' comments, depending on the expected amount of work. If the author does not accept some of the comments submitted by the reviewer, the author is obliged to prepare a written justification. The editorial team, in particular the editor-in-chief, decides about the acceptance of the submitted justification.
10. The Publishing House is responsible for the technical preparation of individual volumes of the journal.
Open access policy
The journal provides instant, open access to all its content on the principle that openly available research enhances and accelerates global science development and knowledge sharing. The editors encourage authors to place articles published in the journal in open repositories (after the review or the publisher's final version), provided that they submit a link to the journal's website and the DOI number of the article. The journal does not charge any fees from the authors for the procedure of accepting and publishing texts.
Ethical rules
In order to maintain the high quality of published articles and scientific reliability, the editorial staff of Scripta Neophilologica Posnaniensia journal adheres to ethical principles, both in relation to authors of scientific publications and reviewers. These policies are based on the best practice guidelines for journal editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Responsibilities of editors
The editors evaluate the submitted articles in terms of substantive content. The editor does not disclose any information about the reviewed article to anyone other than the author(s), reviewers or potential reviewers, and in certain cases also other members of the Editorial Board or the Scientific Board.
The editors of the journal are responsible for deciding which articles submitted to the editorial office should be published, in addition to being responsible for everything that is published in the journal. In making these decisions, the editor may be guided by the policies of the Editorial Board as well as legal requirements governing defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism. When making publication decisions, the editor may consult with other members of the Editorial Board and reviewers.
No member of the editorial team is allowed to disclose information about the submitted work to any person other than, in accordance with the publishing procedure, its author, reviewers and potential reviewers.
Responsibilities of Reviewers
The reviewers undertake to respect the timeliness of preparing the evaluation of the article, maintain the secrecy of the content of the review as well as objectivity and scientific reliability during its preparation. Reviewers work with the editorial team to eliminate unethical publishing practices. Reviewers prepare a review in a specific form.
Responsibilities of Authors
Submission of a text for publication involves the obligation to sign an agreement (link to download the copyright agreement), in which the authors make a statement about their own, original contribution to the creation of the presented research results. In the case of publications prepared by more than one author, each of the authors is obliged to specify the contribution to the text and give consent for its publication by signing the aforementioned agreement. These activities are aimed at eliminating the practice of 'ghostwriting' and 'guest authorship', as well as preventing cases of plagiarism.
If the article submitted for publication contains illustrations, drawings or photos, the author is responsible for obtaining permission from the authors of the above-mentioned materials for their reprint or publication. This also applies to the websites from which the materials may come. In each case, the source of the materials posted must be indicated.
By signing the contract, the author declares that the text submitted by him/her has not been previously published in the country or abroad. The author is obliged to prepare the text in accordance with the formal and substantive requirements described on the journal's website, to take into account the reviewers' comments in the final version of the submitted text, as well as to cooperate closely and on time with the editors and the secretary of the journal.
History of the Journal
The journal has been published since 1999 and was created on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the University of Poznań. The originator, founder and Editor-in-Chief is Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Puppel.