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Author Guidelines


The headline of the article

1. Article title: Times New Roman 12 (normal letters, centered), 1 line spacing.

2. Author's name: Times New Roman 12 (capital letters, centered).

3. Below: affiliation (Times New Roman 12 (normal letters, centered)).

4. Below: ORCID.

5. Below: abstract in Polish (preceded by the word ABSTRAKT:) and in English (preceded by the word ABSTRACT:), Times New Roman 10, justified, line spacing 1

6. Below: keywords in Polish (Słowa kluczowe:) and in English (Key words:)


Main text

1. The main text should be separated from the keywords with two ENTERs

2. Main text: Times New Roman 12, justified, 1.5 line spacing, 1.25 paragraph indent

3. Subheadings: manual not automatic numbering, Arabic numerals (bold Times New Roman 12, left aligned, 1 Enter)

4. Subheadings: manual, not automatic numbering (we start with e.g. 1.1.), Arabic numerals, bold font Times New Roman 12, left alignment. The next subtitle, e.g. 1.1.1. (Times New Roman 12 bold, left aligned).

5. Tables and graphics:

● should be included in the text and sent in an additional file (jpg)

● annotation about the author or the source of the tables/graphics should be provided.

● if they are owned by someone else, the author should have a written consent, which he/she is obliged to submit to the Editorial Office.

● text in the table: Times New Roman 10, line spacing 1, paragraph spacing 0

● captions of tables and graphics at the bottom (Times New Roman 10, centered, Bold)

● photographs and scans should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi

● drawings, tables or illustrations cannot exceed the dimensions of 125mm/190mm


Literature references should be entered as follows:

1. Citing in the text:

● 1 author

Kaczmarek (2010:56) points out that…

● 2 authors

Kaczmarek and Nowak (2010:13) indicate that

● 3-5 authors (the names of all authors should be given in the bibliography, in the text the surname of the first author with the note et al + year of publication)

Molinksy et al. (2005:4) indicate that…

There should be no space between the colon after the year of publication and the page number.


2. References to multiple authors and publications:

(see Kaczmarek, 2010; Nowak, 2005; Molinsky et al., 2005)



1. Unnumbered subtitle, Times New Roman 12, left alignment, Bold

2. Authors' names in alphabetical order; If we quote more than one text by the same author, we put his/her name next to each subsequent item.

3. There are no spaces between the initials of the names.

4. Transliteration: if the bibliographic record contains references written in non-Latin alphabet, their translation into the language of the article should be given in square brackets.

5. If the article has a DOI designation, it should be provided in the format htttps://…

6. The bibliography should be prepared in 2 versions, i.e. with the DOI mark next to each item and without the DOI mark (attached in a separate file).

7. Formatting: Times New Roman 10, single line spacing, paragraph 1.25 from the second line of the cited publication,

8. We write the bibliography in the APA style.


(a) Article in the collection:

Booth, S. (2004). On the value of Shakespeare. In: R. McDonald. (ed.). Shakespeare anthology of criticism and theory. 225-244. Oxford: Blackwell.

(b) Journal article:

Arreola, D.D. (1984). Mexican American exterior murals. Geographical Review 74.(4), 409-424.

(c) Monograph:

Majer, A. (2010). Sociology and urban space. Warsaw: PWN Scientific Publishing House.

(d) Editing of the volume:

Tokarski, R. (ed.). (2010). Relativism in culture and linguistics. Lublin: UMCS.