Sposoby konstruowania pojęcia męskości w wybranych włoskich czasopismach dla mężczyzn w świetle teorii płci kulturowej R.W. Connell
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Italian magazines for men

How to Cite

Ozimska, J. (2023). Sposoby konstruowania pojęcia męskości w wybranych włoskich czasopismach dla mężczyzn w świetle teorii płci kulturowej R.W. Connell. Scripta Neophilologica Posnaniensia, 23, 27–47. https://doi.org/10.14746/snp.2023.23.02


The aim of the article was to examine discursive and textual mechanisms used to construct masculinity in selected Italian men’s magazines published in 2022–23. The excerpted corpus was examined according to the social theory of gender by R.W. Connell. The analysis showed a significant presence of male anthroponyms, reproducing the image of five diverse hegemonic masculinities. A meaningful number of onymic units cocreating subordinate and marginalized masculinities (disability, illness, age, or lack of typi- cally masculine physical features) was noted. The study confirmed that complicit masculinity in the onomastic sense is an anonymous category (lack of individual descriptions).

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