Wykorzystanie sztucznej inteligencji w ocenie prac pisemnych: idea, stan aktualny, ryzyka, perspektywy
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artificial intelligence
natural language processing
automated essay scoring
history of AES
critique of AES
humanistic values of pedagogy
humanistic implementation approach

How to Cite

Pietrzykowski, A. (2023). Wykorzystanie sztucznej inteligencji w ocenie prac pisemnych: idea, stan aktualny, ryzyka, perspektywy. Scripta Neophilologica Posnaniensia, 23, 121–132. https://doi.org/10.14746/snp.2023.23.09


Writing essays plays a crucial role in developing essential competencies at various levels of education, especially in the humanities. At the same time, essays constitute an indispensable element of educational assessment. Modern Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) offer teachers the opportunity for support and even automated grading of written assignments (Automated Essay Scoring). Due to significant pedagogical and socio-cultural implications, these technologies are the subject of numerous analyses today. The article provides a comprehensive overview of AES (Automated Essay Scoring) technologies, encompassing their history and initial concepts, current usage, operation models, and key areas of critique. Additionally, a humanistic approach to integrating AES into pedagogical practice is outlined, focusing on optimizing the benefits derived from its utilization and mitigating the threats it may pose to humanistic values of pedagogy.

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