The paper intends to present the results of an analysis of the messages formulated by the two leading candidates in the presidential elections of 2010, Bronisław Komorowski and Jarosław Kaczyński. The paper is interdisciplinary as it combines a politological analysis of the context of the presidential debates and a linguistic analysis of the content of the messages. The conclusions of the research corroborate the fact that both candidates referred to a different repertoire of values that evoked different axiological fields – a high one in Kaczyński’s statements and a lower one in the case of Komorowski. The linguistic analysis also indicated that the linguistic image each candidate was building clearly specified the range of potential voters. Finally, both candidates used the debate to form their own image only in two dimensions: “I as a political leader” and “I as a president-to-be” while both Komorowski and Kaczyński neglected the personal dimension of their image during the debates.
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