The study focuses on two Slovak corruption cases, both well-documented and of similar social relevance, of which one did not receive any cross-media coverage. Moreover, the case of large-scale bribery was rather under-hyped in comparison to other major corruption scandals occurring in the country. The case of cronyism formed a typical example of extremely poor inter-media coverage of highly unfair and politicised cronyism. Through these cases, especially in the one in which the media failed to stimulate the creation of a full-blown scandal, the study further analyses the criteria and circumstances that determine the worthiness of a case for wide media coverage. The study on Slovakia is framed within theories of scandalous reporting and the theory of agenda setting and inter-media agenda setting role of the media, and supported by quantitative analysis of actual media coverage of the bribery case.Bibliografia
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Other sources:
Some information in this study was provided by the journalist Ľudmila Lacková from Plus 7 dní who answered our questions by email in September 2014.
E-mail from Tibor Mattyasovský, the editor of TV Markíza, June 10, 2015.
Interview with Ivan Mego, journalist who was the first to cover the Police Academy story, reporter at weekly Plus 7 dní, previously at the daily Plus jeden deň, October 8, 2014, Bratislava, by Andrej Školkay and Martin Matis.