Zmiany w stosunkach Rosja–Unia Europejska. Przyczyny i konsekwencje

Jak cytować

Cybulski, M. (2005). Zmiany w stosunkach Rosja–Unia Europejska. Przyczyny i konsekwencje. Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne, (1), 115–123.


Analyses show that the mutual relations between the EU and Russia are marked by profound pragmatism on the one hand (in Russia) and a certain complex of a powerful neighbor and the fear of political turmoil on the other (in the EU). Russia tries to take advantage of these fears in order to maximize her profits and skillfully oscillates between the policy of the USAand that of EU which both count on the benefits to be obtained from the opening of the Russian market. However, the recently popular Russian alliance with China does not pose an actual alternative for the commercial exchange with Europe. This is due to the abundance of Chinese natural resources and expanding Chinese economy that is looking for sales markets rather than offering its purchasing market. In the long run the Russian alliance with the EU will have to be based on new principles that will restrict financial support by the United Europe that will be required to finance its new members.