Two decades of transformations in the local media of south-and-east Wielkopolska
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Jurga-Wosik, E. (2012). Two decades of transformations in the local media of south-and-east Wielkopolska. Central European Political Studies, (1), 295–320.


The Republic of Poland is assumed to have been born in 1989, which also marks the beginning of the transformations in the Polish media market. After twenty years some conclusions on the directions of the development of the media can be reached. The field of research discussed in this paper involves the media of south-and-east Wielkopolska and adjacent districts, connected with Wielkopolska in historical, cultural and economic terms. The results of this research attempt to present a systemic description of the local media, including their emergence, development and evolution. The discussion encompasses the legal, political, organizational, technical, and economic conditions for issuing and propagating the media. Given the diversified typology of the media in the region under analysis, the specificity of local mass media is confirmed.
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