The article discusses the issue of instrumentalisation and objectification of corporeality and sexuality. The issue was considered in the context of forms possible to distribute by the media. The starting point is general tabloidisation in the contemporary culture, which changes due to new technologies of production, recording and distribution. The body, nudity and violence are becoming a tool of inducing shock, dazzling with vulgarity and breaking taboos in order to satisfy sexual needs and curiosity. The ability to access previously restricted content or content which was previously not feasible due to the lack of universality of the media, causes that these forms find their customers. This problem has been reduced to the so called “hard pornography” (pornography using and presenting violence); however, attention should be paid to a broader range of issues which included 1) the actual sexual violence, 2) real sexual relations of BDSM partners and (3) sexual violence in pornographic films. In fact, in each of these situations we will talk about different forms of instrumentalisation and objectification of human corporeality. The text presents the thesis that the legal sphere related to ius publicum, which is shaped by participation in the public sphere, has a significant impact on private life. Hence the dominance of particular social narratives (ideology, ethics, etc.) affects the legal sphere, which interferes to a great extent with the private sphere of people. We should also stress the change in the meaning of what was called pornography – from tools to express political ideas to contents aiming at providing amusement and satisfaction on different levels. The legal issue related to the so-called hard-core pornography (pornography using and presenting violence) has been generally presented on the example of the Polish Criminal Code. Of particular importance is art. 202 § 3, which defines criminal penalties for distribution, production, recording, importing, storage and possession of “hard pornography” (the text is limited to the analysis of pornography using and presenting violence).