Liturgical references in the swearing-in ceremonies of the President of the Republic of Poland after 1989


swearing in of the Head of State

How to Cite

Lorenc, M., & Mikołajczak, M. (2018). Liturgical references in the swearing-in ceremonies of the President of the Republic of Poland after 1989. Central European Political Studies, (3), 135–156.


The text analyzes the mutual relations between the liturgy of sacraments and the most solemn state ceremony in the Republic of Poland, that of swearing-in of the Head of State. Although the latter ceremony is secular, its antecedence should be sought in the religious aspects of the enthronement of European rulers in the Middle Ages. These references make the swearing-in an object of study combining theology and political science. They invite questions about the relation between the religious imagination of a given national community and its political organization as embodied in state ceremonies. The candidate who wins the presidential elections becomes the President of the Polish Republic after their victory is announced by the National Electoral Commission, and after the Supreme Court confirms validity of this result. However, they remain President-Elect until they utter the words of the oath. Therefore, the swearing-in is a public ritual regulated by law which needs to be completed in order to formally commence exercise of the office. The oath, which is spelled out in the Constitution and delivered by the newly elected Head of State, has a performative nature, similar to liturgical formulas. Additionally, it comprises an optional reference to God as witness to the oath delivered. Therefore, the presidential oath is a historically conditioned testimony to public authority, referring to the realm of the sacred.


Legal acts:

The Act of January 5, 2011 – Election Code, Journal of Laws 2011, No. 21, item 112 as amended.

The Constitution of the Republic of Poland of April 2, 1997, Journal of Laws 1997, No. 78, item 483 as amended.

Constitutional Act of October 17, 1992 on mutual relations between the legislative and executive power of the Republic of Poland and the local government, Journal of Laws 1992, No. 84, item 426.

Act of September 27, 1990 on the election of the President of the Republic of Poland, Journal of Laws 1990, No. 67, item 398 as amended.

Act of December 29, 1989 amending the Constitution of the Polish People’s Republic, Journal of Laws 1989, No. 75, item 444.

Act of April 7, 1989 amending the Constitution of the Polish People’s Republic, Journal of Laws 1989, No. 19, item 101.

The Constitution of the Polish People’s Republic of July 22, 1952, Journal of Laws 1952, No. 33, item 232.

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