Literary links between Poland and Central Asia: translations of Polish literature in the Uzbekistani periodical „Jahon adabiyoti”
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cultural policy
Polish literature in the world

How to Cite

Genjemuratov, B. (2019). Literary links between Poland and Central Asia: translations of Polish literature in the Uzbekistani periodical „Jahon adabiyoti”. Central European Political Studies, (2), 231–236.


The author discusses the examples of the current status of cultural and literary cooperation between the Polish and Uzbek nations. In his opinion, in the period of globalization, creative elites feel a need for a permanent dialogue and mutual links, between different states and on a global scale, as exemplified by Polish-Uzbekistani relations expressed in terms of translations of literature, among other things. The author emphasises that translating poetry calls for the translator's comprehensive general knowledge, encompassing also the awareness of the general cultural context.
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