Historical, judicial and political aspects of elections to the bodies of regional authorities in the Kaliningrad Region of the Russian Federation in the years 1993–2013
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local elections
electoral law
Kaliningrad Region

How to Cite

Лунев, С. (2019). Historical, judicial and political aspects of elections to the bodies of regional authorities in the Kaliningrad Region of the Russian Federation in the years 1993–2013. Central European Political Studies, (1), 301–318. https://doi.org/10.14746/ssp.2016.1.14


This paper analyzes the regional elections of the deputies to the Kaliningrad Oblast Duma, starting in 1993 and the applicable legislation, and leads to the conclusion that, in general, all the elements of the election system of deputies of the State Duma,or the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, are replicated in the Kaliningrad region and other units of the Federation. The unification of the electoral legislation across the entire Russian Federation promoted greater similarity of the election systems of different regions, without taking into account their specific character. The transformation of the law on electoral procedures on the federal level, which is still in progress, determines further search for an optimal election model in the Russian Federation.

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