Management of public relations in the courts of Ukraine as a multifaceted complex process
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public relations

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Torkowa, N. O. (2019). Management of public relations in the courts of Ukraine as a multifaceted complex process. Central European Political Studies, (4), 47–66.


The article explores the theoretical and practical foundations of public relations management in courts of Ukraine, courts which need to increase the level of trust among citizens and become more transparent in the context of reforms. The author deals with public relations management in the Ukrainian judiciary as a multifaceted complex process which includes the setting up of a communication unit and training of its employees, identifying the needs of target groups of the public on the basis of a value profile design, strategic planning of communication activities, the use of relevant programs and methodologies of civil reporting. The article defines the concept of public relations in the judiciary taking into account the specific features of the judicial system. It diagnoses problems in the field of public relations in the judicial system and provides recommendations for creating an effective system of public relations in the public administration.
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