The activities of the United Kingdom to strengthen the security of NATO’s north-east flank in the face of Russia’s military activity in Ukraine
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Great Britain
the crisis in Ukraine
the north-eastern flank of NATO
British-Russian relations

How to Cite

Jureńczyk, Łukasz. (2020). The activities of the United Kingdom to strengthen the security of NATO’s north-east flank in the face of Russia’s military activity in Ukraine. Central European Political Studies, (2), 93–106.


The subject of the article is the activities of the United Kingdom aimed at increasing the security of NATO’s north-eastern flank countries in the context of the crisis in Ukraine. The first part of the text discusses the involvement of the United Kingdom in ensuring the security of Poland and the Baltic states in the 20th century, including, above all, retaining their independence. The second part is devoted to London’s reaction to Russia’s armed operations in Ukraine in the political and economic spheres. The third part discusses the military aspects of the United Kingdom’s support for the security of Poland and the Baltic states during the crisis in Ukraine. The extent of London’s political response to the crisis in Ukraine has been limited. Nevertheless, the United Kingdom has definitely joined the military activities to strengthen the security of NATO’s north-eastern flank countries.
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