The European Union’s Policy towards the WTO Development Round
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European Union
Doha Round

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Skrzypczyńska, J. (2020). The European Union’s Policy towards the WTO Development Round. Central European Political Studies, (3), 5–20.


The European Union is a key and active player in the WTO Doha Development Round. These negotiations on agriculture, access to markets for industrial goods and investments are particularly difficult and time-consuming. The aim of this paper is to analyze the European Union’s negotiating position in these selected areas. In order to achieve the goal of the paper, a thesis has been assumed regarding the defensive nature of the EU’s proposal in the field of agricultural negotiations, while taking an offensive negotiating position in the field of access to markets for industrial goods.
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This work was co-funded by the Erasmus Programme of the European Union – Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence ‘EU external actions in the contested global order – (In)coherence, (dis)continuity, resilience’ [599622-EPP-1-2018-1-PL-EPPJMO-CoE].


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