Atheism, Metaphysics, and Philosophy of Democracy. Reflections on the Theology of the Polish Brethren
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mutual tolerance

How to Cite

Paradowski, R., & Paradowska, W. (2023). Atheism, Metaphysics, and Philosophy of Democracy. Reflections on the Theology of the Polish Brethren. Central European Political Studies, (1), 71–88.


The article is devoted to arguments for the thesis that not only the concept – according to which “God does not exist” (God in the sense given to him by theologies) – is indeed atheistic but also the theory which, initially declaring attachment to the idea of God religiously understood, simultaneously formulates its confession of faith in the socio-cultural and axiological order in a way fundamentally contradictory to the image of God as the highest level of the absolute hierarchy, the personification of absolute power, and exclusive competence to define good and evil. In this sense, atheism is the view of the fundamentally non-hierarchical structure of the world and the non-existence of one absolute authority. In this sense, atheism is (despite the theistic declaration) the worldview of the Polish Brethren.
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