Academic Cooperation Between Poland and Germany – Example of Collegium Polonicum as a Joint Institution of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder)


cross-border cooperation
academic institution
academic cooperation
Collegium Polonicum
Polish-German borderland

How to Cite

Wallas, T. (2023). Academic Cooperation Between Poland and Germany – Example of Collegium Polonicum as a Joint Institution of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder). Central European Political Studies, (1), 183–196.


In the EU, advanced international cooperation is a characteristic feature of relations between neighbouring states. The idea behind cross-border cooperation spreads into various fields, including daily life, common programmes, priorities, and strategies. The primary motives behind it include the will to communicate with your neighbours, overcome hostility and prejudice between the two co-existing nations, enhance democracy and develop local administration structures, overcome isolation and remoteness, and quickly merge with the integrated Europe. The article discusses cross-border cooperation between universities in Poland and Germany, with particular attention paid to cooperation taking place between neighbouring cities of Słubice, Poland, and Frankfurt (Oder), Germany. However, before the cross-border cooperation is addressed, the article elaborates on a broader context.


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