Ethno-National Policy of Ukraine in the Context of National Security: Problems and Prospects


ethno-national policy
national security
national minority
ethno-national processes

How to Cite

Kravets, A., & Vyshnevska, I. (2024). Ethno-National Policy of Ukraine in the Context of National Security: Problems and Prospects. Central European Political Studies, (1), 119–133.


The process of national consolidation is closely related to the implementation of a consistent ethno-national policy in accordance with modern conditions. The integration of Ukraine into the European Union is impossible without the regulation of ethno-national development processes in accordance with the standards of the European Union. The effectiveness of the state’s ethno-national policy depends on the extent to which its principles and tasks reflect the ethno-national situation in the country, ensure the participation of civil society in the processes of regulating ethno-national relations. The legislation of Ukraine in the field of ethno-national policy was formed under the influence of internal international relations and international legislation. The analysis of the content of the national legislation shows that it enshrines fundamental international norms regarding the protection of national minorities, at the same time, it also has certain shortcomings: blurred provisions, lack of specification of basic terms, obsolescence of the legislative acts themselves, etc. New political realities require revision of most of the adopted legislative acts. Neglecting issues of ethno-national development carries the danger of turning the ethno-national factor from a cultural asset into a source of conflicts and contradictions, leading to the loss of the тational security and country’s territorial integrity. Unregulated relations between ethno-cultural groups aggravate the problems of inter-ethnic communication, create conflict situations, etc. The adoption of the Concept of the State target national and cultural program “Unity in Diversity” for the period until 2034, which was developed in close consultation with national minorities (communities) with the involvement of representatives of the European Commission, the Council of Europe, and embassies of ethnically related national minorities (communities) of Ukraine.


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