Media Coverage of the European Parliament Election Campaign in the Polish Media. Analysis of Thematic Agenda and Media Bias


European elections
European Parliament
election campaign
television newscasts
media bias

How to Cite

Klepka, R., & Nowak, P. (2024). Media Coverage of the European Parliament Election Campaign in the Polish Media. Analysis of Thematic Agenda and Media Bias. Central European Political Studies, (2), 29–45.


The article presents research findings on the thematic agenda and political bias of Polish television newscasts during the 2024 European Parliament election campaign in Poland. The authors analyzed the content of the three most popular Polish television newscasts: TVP’s “19.30”, Polsat’s “Wydarzenia”, and TVN’s “Fakty”, focusing on broadcasts from the month preceding the European elections. The collected data was used to characterize the agenda of issues presented in television newscasts and to calculate the Media Political Bias Index, a measure that enables comparisons of bias across different newscasts. The presented results provide insights into which news programs were the most and least biased, and the nature of European news agenda during the election campaign across various Polish television news services.


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