Конфронтация „режима нормализации” и оппозиции в Чехословакии в конце 1980-х годов XX века

How to Cite

Zadorożniuk, E. (2004). Конфронтация „режима нормализации” и оппозиции в Чехословакии в конце 1980-х годов XX века. Central European Political Studies, (1), 23–42. https://doi.org/10.14746/ssp.2004.1.02


The paper refers to Russian and foreign archival documents, which became the basis for the analysis of relationships between the „party-and state authorities” and opposition in the Czech Republic in the late 80s of 20th century. State authorities with conservative bias demanded that the „normalization” regime be stricter whereas „pragmatists” were contemplating a dialogue with the opposition. After the events of November 17 for a very long time also the followers of „non-political politics” in the opposition considered a dialogue with the pragmatic faction of the state authorities whereas the radical wing representatives were calling for immediate free elections and establishment  of  democratic  institutions  of  power. However, it was the upward movement, beginning with the student demonstration of November 17, 1989 and ending with mass demonstrations which gathered as many as 700,000 people in Prague in the end of November, that gave momentum to historic transformation in the Czech Republic as it came up with its own hierarchy of historical priorities different from that of numerous government and opposition circles. These activists who were able to adjust their former standpoint to social expectations enjoyed public  support.