
Call for papers (XIII/1)

2022 June 1

The thematic scope of the journal: Ukrainian linguistic and literary studies, the comparative studies of the Ukrainian and Polish languages, the history of Ukrainian language, teaching methods of Ukrainian as a foreign language, connections between literature and culture of Ukraine and Poland, different aspects of translating. In 2014-2015, more than 80 % of the authors of journal were from foreign scientific institutions. “Studia Ucrainica Posnaniensia” is indexed in Index Copernicus International, CEJSH, CEEOL, ERIH PLUS, PBN Polska Bibliografia Naukowa etc.


You can send your articles to the e-mail address  until the 01.03.2025

The suggested length of papers cannot be more than 40 000 signs with spaces. Editorial guidelines can be found at 

Read more about Call for papers (XIII/1)

Call for papers (X/1)

2022 January 31

The thematic scope of the journal: Ukrainian linguistic and literary studies, the comparative studies of the Ukrainian and Polish languages, the history of Ukrainian language, teaching methods of Ukrainian as a foreign language, connections between literature and culture of Ukraine and Poland, different aspects of translating. In 2014-2015, more than 80 % of the authors of journal were from foreign scientific institutions. “Studia Ucrainica Posnaniensia” is indexed in Index Copernicus International, CEJSH, CEEOL, ERIH PLUS, PBN Polska Bibliografia Naukowa etc.


You can send your articles to the e-mail address  until the 01.03.2022

The suggested length of papers cannot be more than 40 000 signs with spaces. Editorial guidelines can be found at 

Read more about Call for papers (X/1)

Call for papers (9/2)

2021 June 23

The thematic scope of the journal: Ukrainian linguistic and literary studies, the comparative studies of the Ukrainian and Polish languages, the history of Ukrainian language, teaching methods of Ukrainian as a foreign language, connections between literature and culture of Ukraine and Poland, different aspects of translating. In 2014-2015, more than 80 % of the authors of journal were from foreign scientific institutions. “Studia Ucrainica Posnaniensia” is indexed in Index Copernicus International, CEJSH, CEEOL, ERIH PLUS, PBN Polska Bibliografia Naukowa etc.


You can send your articles to the e-mail address  until the 01.10.2021

The suggested length of papers cannot be more than 40 000 signs with spaces. Editorial guidelines can be found at 

Read more about Call for papers (9/2)

Update of PRESSto

2019 December 10

Please be informed that between December 11 (Wednesday) and December 20 (Friday), 2019 we will be conducting technical maintenance updates for the PRESSto platform. Action: for OJS to be updated to OJS3. Please do not upload new articles or set up new user accounts within this time. The maintenance break will also influence and affect the editorial process. We apologise for the inconvenience.


Read more about Update of PRESSto

Redakcja półrocznika „Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia” zaprasza do nadsyłania tekstów do numeru VIII/2 (2020)

2019 June 24

            Zakres tematyczny czasopisma obejmuje: językoznawstwo i literaturoznawstwo ukraińskie, językoznawstwo konfrontatywne polsko-ukraińskie, historię języka ukraińskiego, zagadnienia związane z akwizycją języka obcego (w szczególności j. ukraińskiego jako obcego), polsko-ukraińskie związki literacko-kulturowe oraz językowe, teoretyczne i praktyczne aspekty przekładoznawstwa. Udział autorów z afiliacją zagraniczną w latach ubiegłych wyniósł 80 procent. Czasopismo indeksowane jest w w Index Copernicus International, CEJSH, CEEOL, ERIH PLUS, PBN Polska Bibliografia Naukowa i innych. 


Read more about Redakcja półrocznika „Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia” zaprasza do nadsyłania tekstów do numeru VIII/2 (2020)