This article includes a comparative analysis of the small prose of an outstanding representative of magic realism – Argentina’s Julio Cortázar and “magic short-stories” of the Ukrainian prose writer Vasil Gabor. Basing on the selected works by Cortázar and Gabor, the article embraces determination of common features connecting the poetics of the works by both writers, including so called “neo-fantasy”, conditioning the presence of the remaining features, such as: the attempt to probe into the surface of the reality, usually with the lack of any fantastic themes, oneirism, atmosphere of fear, anxiety and tension, introduction of themes of chase/escape, labyrinth/trap, as well as characteristic landscape to highlight the main conflict of the work, surprising culminating points, existential dimension, sometimes also the political implication of the work, etc. These features make short-story writing of both Cortázar and Gabor perfectly fitting into the genre of the literature searching for the deep, hidden layer of reality.References
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