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didactic model
multilingual personality
factor model
functional model
foreign languages

How to Cite

Талалай, Ю. (2019). DIDACTIC MODELS OF MULTILINGUAL PERSONALITY FORMATION: FACTOR AND FUNCTIONAL MODELS. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 7(2), 147–152. https://doi.org/10.14746/sup.2019.7.2.15


The article focuses on the analysis of the didactic models of the multilingual personality formation. The factor model and the functional model of the multilingual personality formation have been characterized. The essence of the factor model consists in the system of external and internal factors that play an important role in the process of learning foreign languages. The main characteristics of the factor model are: a multistage structure and the chronological order of the different factors systematization. The essence of the functional model has been singled out. This essence consists in the influence of the fi rst foreign language on the second, third foreign languages during the process of speaking.
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