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political term
mass media
journalistic discourse

How to Cite

Janczura, D. (2020). THE FORMATION OF POLITICAL TERMS BASED ON ANTHROPONYMS OF UKRAINIAN POLITICIANS (case study of political discource) . Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 8(1), 55–67.


This paper presents the analysis of political terms derived from anthroponyms used in the mass media discourse. The topicality of the paper consists in the need to explore the language of mass media — new linguistic trends are disseminated through mass communication, thus stimulating the development of the vocabulary of users of a given language. The analysis aims at distinguishing and defining the most productive models of word formation used in the mass media discourse. The empirical material examined in the article is based on the dictionary Slovotvorchist nezalezhnoi Ukrainy. 1991–2011 compiled by A. Nelyuba. It was supplemented by terms found by the author of the article in digital issues of the Ukrainian press of recent years. The investigation submitted leads to the conclusion that the most productive models of creating neologisms are adding prefixes or suffixes to root words or compounding.
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