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fantastic realism
artistic detail

How to Cite

ДАШКО, Н. (2020). VASYL GABOR’S NOVELS: TRADITIONS AND INNOVATIONS. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 8(1), 217–227.


The article presents an attempt at interpreting Gabor’s works to disclose some ambiguities. The investigation is carried out within the research framework of modern Ukrainian novel varied by genre aspects and stylistic features. This determines the topicality of the paper, which aims to identify traditions and innovations in the writer’s novels. The investigation leadsto the conclusion that V. Gabor has contributed to further development of a classical novel genre and simultaneously has ventured to experiment. He recreates not only the form, but also the content. Works of the novelist are primarily marked with the modernist poetics features. Short stories Shchob ne byv bubon, Zvir, Shvonts (the collection Knyha ekzotychnykh sniv ta realnykh podii ) are dramatic and laconic in a Stefanyk style. The main dilemma of expressionism is realized in those novels — the confrontation of life and death, the tragedy of mental outlook, psychologism, important functional role of artistic detail. In the novels of the collection Pro shcho dumaie liudyna there are signs of impressionism, which brings V. Gabor to M. Kotsiubynskyi. Simultaneously key features of the modern modified novel appear when the internal action becomes the main one with profound associativity, metaphors, figures of speech highlighted. In addition, the components of Gabor’s style are both realism and romanticism, the combination of which becomes the basis for the fantastic realism (novel Pomynky).
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