ТЕОРІЯ ІНСТРУМЕНТАЛЯ В ОБ’ЄКТИВНІЙ ГРАМАТИЦІ: КАТЕГОРІЙНІСТЬ, СТРУКТУРНІСТЬ (кваліфікація локативно-аналітичної семантики інструменталя Євгеном Тимченком)1
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locative-analytical semantics
syncretical semantics
dynamic localization
static localization
linear possibility
functional status

How to Cite

ЗАГНІТКО, А. . (2020). ТЕОРІЯ ІНСТРУМЕНТАЛЯ В ОБ’ЄКТИВНІЙ ГРАМАТИЦІ: КАТЕГОРІЙНІСТЬ, СТРУКТУРНІСТЬ (кваліфікація локативно-аналітичної семантики інструменталя Євгеном Тимченком)1 . Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 8(1), 201–216. https://doi.org/10.14746/sup.2020.8.1.20


The status of locative-analytic semantics in the structure of the nominativeablative case is considered, the total space of the functional-semantic paradigm of the noun-ablative with the diagnosis of static and dynamic locative, the establishment of the main tendencies of syncretism, and the conceptual foundations of the interpretation of the locative-analytic semantics of instrumental by Yevhen Tymchenko are determined. Linear-positional intra-rhetorical variability of nominative-ablative analytical-locative semantics, its flexible marking, internal semantic variability and functional status are elucidated. Through a consistent analysis of the qualification of the analyticallocative semantics of instrumental by the linguist, tendencies of preserving the investigated value in the structure of the modern nominative-ablative and the directions of reduction of the locativesemantic semantics in the structure of the nominative-ablative, due to the intra-category inter-verbal interaction and competition, are revealed. The latter motivates the substitution of forms of locativeanalytical semantics of nominative-ablative by the analytical forms of the accusative, local, partly — genitive and dative cases. The main corpus of analytical syntactic morphemes in the structure of nominative-ablative analytical-locative semantics is characterized. The regularities of the development of objective grammar reflect the main tendencies of the noun-ablative evolution of analytical-locative semantics, which proves the inter-case competition and the loss of individual analytic syntactic morphemes in syntagmatic implementations of the nominative-ablative.

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