The present article analyses the methods of the artistic shaping of oneiric elements in Oles Ilchenko’s novel Misto z khymeramy (2009). The novel narrates the story of Vladislav Gorodetsky, an extraordinary personality and a famous architect. The goal of the study is to identify the oneiric fragments in the text, and define their narrative peculiarities and functional load using oneiric terminology. Ilchenko’s oneirisms have still not received enough attention in the Ukrainian literary criticism, which proves the topicality of our research. Summarizing the results of the analysis, we note that the novel includes the fragments of dreams, sleepy fantasy, minimized delirium records, as well as many pieces of ‘encrypted’ information about the fact that certain characters have certain dreams, mostly nightmares. When describing the above oneiric states, the author chooses a narrative technique of dreams reading by a non-diegetic narrator from the (sub)consciousness of characters. Gorodetsky’s dreams and visions imply his psychological status, internal struggle, sometimes they contain prophecies which influence the course of the story. In general, his dreams and visions are the main compositional elements that serve the functions of the intensification of the mystical modus of the text and the creation of the fragment of “Kyiv myth”.
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