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Ukrainian language
Belarussian language
literary norm

How to Cite

СКОПНЕНКО, О. (2020). FEATURES OF THE PHRASE NORM IN THE INITIAL PERIOD OF PRESCRIPTION IN THE BELARUSIAN AND UKRAINIAN LITERARY LANGUAGES IN THE FIRST HALF OF 20TH CENTURIES. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 8(1), 167–177. Retrieved from https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/sup/article/view/23743


The article sets out to describe the specificity of formation of phraseological norms of the Belarussian and Ukrainian literary languages in the first half of the 20th century and presents the case study of the most representative dictionaries of idioms. The majority of the literary norms of the languages analysed (lexical, grammatical, accentological) in this period passed the stage of active codification, and phraseological Belarussian and Ukrainian literary norms only began their formation. The topicality of the research is accounted for by the lack of the comparative analysis of the processes of the development of phraseological norms in the Belarussian and Ukrainian literary languages. The article aims to demonstrate the specificity of formation of the Belarussian and Ukrainian phraseological norms in the first half of the 20th century. It has been proved that in the dictionaries of the Ukrainian language the phraseology was described and represented more fully and thoroughly than in Belarussian codes. Dictionaries of the Belarussian and Ukrainian languages, published after the language reforms of 1933, narrowed the scope of phraseological norms of the idioms analysed.

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