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horse image
Ukrainian Romantic poets

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HAYDUK, S. (2020). UKRAINIAN ROMANTIC POETRY: SYMBOLISM OF THE HORSE. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 8(1), 243–251.


The article focuses on the analysis of the horse image in the works of the Ukrainian Romantic poets which is based on the European tradition of writing in view of its symbolic and mythological paradigms. It is emphasized that in the Ukrainian Romantic poetry the horse image directly correlates with the symbol of freedom, because the horse as a poetic image is „the creature endowed with a soul”. Because of its actions, such as galloping or wandering, the horse image becomes a symbol of freedom (poetry Kozak by L. Borovikovsky, ballad Kіn by M. Kostomarov). It is noted that the horse image is a symbol of fidelity and beauty. It is able to empathize with a Romantic hero, to warn him of danger (poem Haidamaky, ballad Prychynna by T. Shevchenko, poetry Kozak by L. Borovikovsky, Do konia by V. Zabila, Ukrainskaya duma by O. Afanasiev-Chuzhbinskyi). However, the horse images can also symbolize the dark forces of nature. They carry a rider into the unknown and embody negative energy (satirical poem Son by T. Shevchenko).
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